Admissibility into the US

Section 212(a) and other relevant provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act,  define various reasons and circumstances that render an applicant inadmissible for immigration to the US. 

Admissibility is defined negatively, which means you are permitted to receive an immigrant visa and are considered admissible to the United States as long as you are not inadmissible to immigrate.  

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Grounds for inadmissibility include

  • Prior criminal violations in the US or in any other country.
  • Past illegal entry into the US 
  • Misrepresentation of material facts in your present immigrant visa application or in any past application for a nonimmigrant visa.
  • Prior deportation
  • Suffering from a contagious disease 
  • Any other reason under any law that renders you inadmissible to the US.

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Every consulate has a list available showing what circumstances would prevent admission. 

Be prepared for your EB-5 interview preparation | an interview preparation list from USCIS